Dr. Surah Allaf Akbari was born in March 1353 AH in Ardabil. She spent her elementary and high school years in Ardabil and was one of the first students in her education in Ardabil. In 1373, she entered the Iran University of Medical Sciences in Tehran with a rank of 111 in the national entrance exam and passed in the field of medicine, and was one of the first 5 students in Iran University. After obtaining a general doctorate degree and participating in the specialty exam, she was immediately accepted into the specialized field of Otorhinolaryngology at Yazd University of Medical Sciences.

Records and honors of the doctor

    • Member of the faculty of Ardabil University for 8 years
    • Medical experience in Ardabil province for only 10 years
    • Member of Tehran University

It is part of Dr. Surah Alaf Akbari’s career records.

تماس با دکتر علاف اکبری